How Coca-Cola Became Awesometopia's National Beverage

This video was secretly recorded near a once disputed and desolate border in Eastern Awesometopia. This video shows an Awesomtopia's Badger Army soldier showing compassion to a dissident army member in the last stronghold of Fabauti's fallen empire. After this secret video was recorded, it wasn't long before it was leaked to the world's press. An act of compassion can change most situations; once again this rang true. This act of sharing with another human the delightfully crisp and refreshing taste of an ice cold Coca-Cola ended the days of dehydrated water and Fabauti's last hold out rebels soon laid down their swords and assimilated into Awesometopian society. Just as compassion changed everything when Ezzariah knelt beside Abram, an ice cold Coca-Cola brought forth another Peaceful Conflict Resolution.
Coca-Cola adds to Awesometopian's enjoyment of Life and Individuality, as it brings Unity and Peaceful Conflict Resolution to our Nation-State.

Here is an Awesometopian Coca-Cola image that promotes
Peaceful Conflict Resolution, Unity, Individuality and Life.
 An Anti Weapon Drink Coca-Cola Subliminal Image for Awesometopia's 
DRINK BEFORE You Shoot Campaign for Peace
 Here is a photo of the former National Beverage.

Dehydrated Water was the National Beverage under Farbauti's reign.
Many people found it to be dry and tasteless.

Coca-Cola is now Awesometopia's National Beverage.

It Is True...Awesometopian's Have Been Having A Love Affair With Coca-Cola
That Has Turned Into A Long Term Relationship

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